
Your day, updated.
The task was to launch a brand and platform that would improve the internal communication and operations of a major health organisation with 2 million users. We worked together with the product owner, CTO and development team to create a brand that felt fresh, friendly and accessible. After the first week of working in-house as small innovation team, Hubub was born. My role focussed on initial definition of brand positioning through research, competitor analysis + workshops followed by overall creative direction along side a small team of designers.
Completed in 2015

The Platform
Hubub grew into a platform of apps – each designed to help with a different need of the organisation.
Transfer allowed users to track the movement of staff from one department to another, while Groups was designed tp help organise people for easier internal communication. Analyse allowed high level managers to assess how their departments were performing and Connect provided a secure space for transfer of documents and confidential discussions.
Each app had it’s own iconography + colour palette.