
Conde Nast International Hackathon – We won!

Conde Nast International Hackathon – We won!

Last weekend I attended the Code Nast International Hackathon with my colleagues from Digit and Brand Union. We were also able to bring a Conde Nast employee into our team to ensure we were delivering something useful to the business. We asked Andy Barefoot, CTO of Conde Nast Germany, to join us.

The weekend was hosted at the Conde Nast College of Fashion in Soho and focussed on innovation in the publishing industry. A week prior, 3 briefs were set and we chose to focus on the first one which was all about using technology to leverage, enhance and deliver content on smart phones to create an incredible experience for consumers.

We spent 36 hours developing our idea, running it past various members of the Conde Nast team and were incredibly proud to present and win with our idea F’nito – which we can’t tell you much about quite yet! However, the grand prize means we will be incubating our idea with the CNI team in the new year so stay tuned!

The event has been covered by French GQ and What’s New In Publishing.


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